February 5, 2016
» The New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority is looking for a manager for its certification program. [More]
» Pierce Transit seeks a senior program administrator. [More]
» Culver City, CA, requests proposals for its SmartBus System Project. [More]
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FAST Act, Elections, National Partners Focus of March Legislative Conference

The 2016 APTA Legislative Conference, March 13-15 at the JW Marriott Hotel in Washington, DC, puts attendees in a front-row seat with members of Congress and DOT who will report on the FAST Act and the upcoming elections.

Conference activities kick off the afternoon of Sunday, March 13, with the Welcome to Washington General Session.

Monday, March 14, begins with a briefing sponsored by APTA’s business members, “The ‘Insider’ Perspective for the Transit Industry.” Next are the Opening General Session and a General Session, “APTA National Partners Round Table,” moderated by APTA Chair Valarie J. McCall.

Panelists are Peter McLaughlin, commissioner, Hennepin County, MN, and chair of the National Association of Counties Transportation Steering Committee; Mayor Patrick Wojahn of College Park, MD, chair of the Transportation and the Infrastructure Services committees, National League of Cities; and Grace Gallucci, executive director, Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency, and member, National Association of Regional Councils.

The afternoon will feature a General Session with FTA Acting Administrator Therese McMillan and FTA staff, followed by the “View from the Hill” ­General Session with staff members from the Senate Banking and Commerce committees and the House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Subcommittee on Highways and Transit.

Tuesday morning features the “Get Started with Members of Congress Breakfast.” Speakers will include Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), ranking member of the House T&I Committee.

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