July 1, 2016
» The Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority is seeking an executive director/chief executive officer. [More]
» The San Joaquin Regional Transit District is looking for a chief operating officer. [More]
» Capital Area Transit, Harrisburg, PA, requests proposals for shared ride-ADA paratransit service. [More]
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Happy 60th Birthday, Interstate Highway System!

On June 29, 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed into law the Interstate Highway System, the network of major federally funded roads. The law also created the Highway Trust Fund, the source of most federal funding for public transportation. The first project was reported to be U.S. 40 (now the I-70 Mark Twain Expressway) in Missouri; the system has expanded to 46,876 miles, linking nearly every sizable town or city in the country. The photo portrays Eisenhower receiving specific recommendations for funding.

Photo courtesy of the Dwight Eisenhower Library

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