August 25, 2016
» The Sacramento Regional Transit District is looking for a deputy chief executive officer. [More]
» The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority seeks a chief communications officer. [More]
» The Madison County Mass Transit District is soliciting proposals for the purchase of light-duty transit buses. [More]


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Monroe Township, MI, Renews Property Tax

Almost three-quarters of voters in ­Bedford Township in Monroe County, MI, recently approved a 0.25-mill property tax renewal to support Lake Erie Transit’s Dial-a-Ride program.

The measure was placed on the ballot following the defeat in March of a proposed 0.1-mill increase in the tax.

Eleven other Michigan counties and townships also voted on tax issues, with six approved and five defeated. They are Clare County, approved; Isabella County, approved; Missaukee County, defeated; and eight townships in Delta County: approved in Brampton, Ensign, Ford River and Masonville, defeated in Baldwin, Bark River, Wells and Maple Ridge.
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