April 21, 2017
» GoDurham, NC, seeks a general manager. [More]
» The Maryland Transit Administration is looking for a director, light rail. [More]
» The San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority requests proposals for general counsel legal services. [More]
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In Memoriam: Bolton, Retired from Pace

Michael P. (Mike) Bolton, 69, of Downers Grove, IL, who retired in 2016 after a 40-year public transit career, including 13 years as deputy executive director of strategic services at Pace Suburban Bus, Arlington Heights, IL, died April 15.

Bolton began his transit career as a part-time Chicago Transit Authority bus driver. Before joining Pace, he was general manager of ­agencies in Ann Arbor, MI; Davenport, IA; and Austin, TX. He also was program director of the Transit Operations Group at North Carolina State University’s Institute for Transportation, Research and Education; a principal with Multisystems Inc.; and vice president for business improvement at ATC/NEC (now Transdev North America). He was a member of several APTA committees until his retirement.

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