September 15, 2017
» The Roaring Fork Transportation Authority, Aspen, CO, seeks a chief operating officer. [More]
» The Interurban Transit Partnership (The Rapid), Grand Rapids, MI, is looking for a deputy CEO-finance and administration. [More]
» Blacksburg Transit, Blacksburg, VA, requests proposals for bus graphics. [More]
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CTA Opens Loop's First New Station in 20 Years

The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) recently opened the first new downtown “L” station in 20 years: the $75 million Washington/Wabash Station, a gateway to Millennium Park and the east Loop.

CTA President Dorval R. Carter Jr., Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago DOT Commissioner Rebekah Scheinfeld were in attendance at the opening.

Carter said the station “will serve Chicago and its visitors for decades to come.”

Emanuel said the station represents the “best of Chicago’s heritage of architectural innovation and ingenuity while creating modern amenities for the thousands of travelers who utilize it every day.”

The station replaces two others that dated back to 1896. It includes four elevators, an escalator and a wider platform than in most other stations in the Loop. It also was built to be sustainable, reusing existing structure, tracks and other elements and including bicycle racks and recycling bins on the platforms.

CTA President Dorval R. Carter Jr., second from right, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, second from left, cut the ribbon at the new Washington/Wabash Station in the Loop.

CTA said it expects the new station to become one of its 10 busiest, providing more than 10,000 daily rides on five lines. Funding for the station came from the federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program.

The station’s design incorporates new public artwork by local  artist Michiko Itatani, which reflects on human history and cultures of the past, present and future.



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