October 19, 2018
» The Sacramento Regional Transit District seeks a chief of staff. [More]
» VIA Metropolitan Transit is looking for a director of innovative services. [More]
» Culver City, CA, requests proposals for wheelchair restraint systems. [More]
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HART's TECO Streetcar Enters 'New Era'

The Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART) in Tampa, FL, announced a “New Era of Transit” for its TECO Line Streetcar System—including three years of free fares and expanded service—at a recent ribbon-cutting celebration.

“Our customers wanted a service that fits the changing regional patterns of development and population trends and a foundation to grow ridership,” said HART Interim Chief Executive Officer Jeff Seward in announcing the line’s “Free. Fun, Frequent. Totally Tampa!” operations. “This ‘New Era of Transit’ will move us into a new direction where the TECO Line Streetcar System can play a greater role in the boarder transportation network of Tampa to better serve residents, customers and visitors, not only today, but into the future.

”Other speakers at the event included Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL), Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn, former Mayor Dick Greco, Florida DOT District Seven Secretary David Gwynn, Tampa Historic Streetcar Board President Michael English and HART Board Member and Tampa City Councilman Mike Suarez.

HART is making the service and fare changes with the help of a $2.7 million grant from Florida DOT. In addition to eliminating the former $2.50 fares, the grant will allow the 2.7-mile TECO Line to operate every 15 minutes instead of every 20 minutes between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on weekdays, making 11 stops to connect riders with work, events, restaurants, sporting events, activities and entertainment.

HART Interim CEO Jeff Seward, fourth from right, joined HART board members and area officials to cut the ribbon on a “New Era of Transit” for the TECO Line Streetcar System.
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