February 5, 2016
» The New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority is looking for a manager for its certification program. [More]
» Pierce Transit seeks a senior program administrator. [More]
» Culver City, CA, requests proposals for its SmartBus System Project. [More]
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Transit Board Members, Support Staff Seminar Begins April 30

Have you registered for the 2016 Transit Board Members & Board Support Seminar yet?

Don’t delay. The seminar is being held April 30-May 3 in San Antonio, earlier this year than in the past.

The conference, specifically designed for members of public transportation agency governing boards and administrative support staff for boards and commissions of APTA member systems, features sessions that include the APTA Chair & President’s Round Table. Seminar highlights also include the Welcoming Reception, Opening General Session and a joint educational session.

Transit board members will gather for a luncheon discussion organized by agency size; sessions devoted to safety, finance issues, accessibility and ADA, TODs and legislative priorities; and a listening session with the APTA Task Force on Member Collaboration.

The schedule for support staff focuses on educational opportunities.

To register, click here. For information, contact Lynne Morsen or Cheryl Pyatt.
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