December 14, 2018
» VIA Metropolitan Transit seeks a Director of Innovative Services. [More]
» Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA, is looking for an assistant director, transit operations. [More]
» The Chatham Area Transit Authority requests proposals for on-call marketing for system map, route, signage design and printing services. [More]
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Routematch Acquires 2g Transit Solutions

Routematch Inc. has acquired 2g Transit Solutions Inc. (2g), a data analytics company for public transit services. This move will connect more than 500 Routematch clients with 2g’s flagship product, Transit Miner, and provide 2g’s customers with additional business and technical resources for ­further innovation.

While 2g will remain a separate corporate entity, the company’s staff will join the Routematch team to further shape current and future analytics initiatives.

“We found a phenomenal partner in 2g and expect this will bring tremendous value to our customers almost immediately,” said Pepper Harward, vice president of transit solutions at Routematch. “We are equally excited about future possibilities as we begin to integrate and build on our respective products with an aligned vision.”

Ben Greene, chief executive officer for 2g Transit Solutions, said, “We believe we have found the perfect partner in Routematch, a company of fellow ‘Transit Nerds’ whose core values and mission align closely to our own.”


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