December 14, 2018
» VIA Metropolitan Transit seeks a Director of Innovative Services. [More]
» Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA, is looking for an assistant director, transit operations. [More]
» The Chatham Area Transit Authority requests proposals for on-call marketing for system map, route, signage design and printing services. [More]
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APTA Strengthens Ties with International Partners

APTA signed a new addendum to its Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Union of Railways (UIC) Dec. 7 in Paris, during the UIC’s 93rd General Assembly.

While in France, APTA President and CEO Paul P. Skoutelas, Chief Operating Officer David Carol and Vice President-Strategic & International Programs Petra Mollet also attended a Dec. 6 Policy Board meeting of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) and met with the International Transport Forum, the French Public and Rail Transport Association, and APTA members RATP Dev, Keolis and Transdev.

“The relationship with the international rail community through UIC is vitally important to us,” said Skoutelas. “The UIC-APTA partnership dates back to 2009, when we signed our first MoU. Today’s agreement will enhance APTA’s collaboration with UIC on several issues that are priorities for our respective industries, including digitalization, cybersecurity, productivity and integration of all transportation modes—with rail as a backbone.”
APTA President and CEO Paul P. Skoutelas, second from left, and Vice President-Strategic & International Programs Petra Mollet, second from right, addressed the UITP Policy Board meeting in Paris Dec. 6.

APTA and UITP previously signed an MoU when UITP Secretary General Mohamed Mezghani attended APTA’s Annual Meeting in Nashville in September. “UITP and APTA share the same vision and mission,” said Skoutelas.

“Our organizations also share the same challenges and opportunities, with ­public transport experiencing the greatest transformational change since the introduction of the private automobile. We look forward to a fruitful trans-Atlantic partnership on a wide range of activities—from training programs and study missions to innovative ­technology and big data.”


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