December 15, 2017
» Toronto's Metrolinx seeks a principal sponsor, a leadership position at the vice president level. [More]
» The city of Tempe, AZ, is looking for a design and construction manager for the Tempe Streetcar. [More]
» The Milwaukee County Transit System seeks proposals for manufacture and delivery of low-floor diesel buses. [More]
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APTA Reports on Q3 Ridership

Ridership on all public transit modes experienced a slight downward tick in the third quarter of 2017: 2.503 billion trips taken, which is 94.922 million or 3.65 percent fewer trips taken than the same time last year, according to APTA’s most recent ridership report and analysis.

Nine of the 10 largest U.S. public transit agencies showed declines for the quarter. Some of the agencies attribute the downtick to an increase in auto travel and continued low gas prices.

Even if a small number of public transit riders choose instead to drive, they may have an outsized effect on the change in ridership as measured in unlinked trips, according to APTA.

The analysis adds that riders most likely to switch from public transit to cars often have longer or slower trips, multiple transfers or other factors that can detract from ease or convenience. One rider with a long trip with multiple transfers who switches to driving would show up as multiple lost unlinked trips, as compared to a rider with a short trip with no transfers.

Other factors contributing to the downtick in ridership include state of good repair issues, which have a $90 billion backlog nationwide; some public transit agencies still working to recover from service cutbacks due to the 2008 recession; and several systems experiencing service interruptions due to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.
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